Portal 2 perpetual testing initiative
Portal 2 perpetual testing initiative

portal 2 perpetual testing initiative

The test subjects you play as in the game have the look of the simple human figure, seen in trailers for the Portal games. The test chamber is then compiled through the Source engine and then rendered as an actual map. Players are allowed to use a new in-game map editor that is shown as a blueprint of a test chamber. The Perpetual Testing Initiative has a story-based plot, and is the third DLC of Portal 2. Terra-Three penal science colony Universe.Aperture Hollow "Science Jungle" Universe.These are some of the universes visited during the course of the tests: He eventually succeeds and testing is continued on the primary earth. Near the end of the storyline the original Cave teams up with an alternate version of himself known as "Dark Cave" (who is running a similar con) to find the "money-verse," a universe where the earth is made entirely of U.S.

portal 2 perpetual testing initiative

However, the universe of the primary Cave Johnson is not the same as the one from Portal 2 the universe deviates when a world is visited where Cave uploaded his mind into a computer and became insane, and this prompts the 'original' Cave to cancel the Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System initiative. This is based off a quote that an alternate Cave makes when his Aperture buys out their Black Mesa and shuts down said project, preventing the entire Half-Life storyline from happening. It is believed that the project takes place around the same time that Black Mesa starts planning the project that will lead to the Combine Invasion. He succeeds in the project which makes Aperture the first science facility to explore the multiverse. Johnson admits that the project was indeed a con plan, and that they are robbing the more-stable versions of themselves to produce more test chambers. The layout of the project is to trick the more financially-stable versions of Aperture by planting blueprints of test chambers on the desks of unaware associates of alternate universes and stealing the chambers when they are constructed. Johnson promotes that the Multiverse Theory exists and that there are infinite universes with infinite Aperture Science facilities.

portal 2 perpetual testing initiative

The Perpetual Testing Initiative is a project administrated by Cave Johnson in the late 1960s as Aperture Science becomes bankrupt.

Portal 2 perpetual testing initiative